Man Up Gathering with Fred Barasa

7:00-8:00pm May 19, 2021
Church and Live Stream on YouTube

The Gospel Is Active and Alive Around the World

In the Acts of the Apostles, Luke repeatedly uses the phrase "and the church grew" describing the expansion and impact of the early church. Fred Barasa will be sharing some of his experiences and perspectives on what God is doing around the world in our own time.

Fred was born and raised in Kenya and attended university in India where he focused on sociology, economics, and political science, and received a master’s degree in social work. He is currently a Senior Program Manager for American Bible Society; overseeing their work in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Fred is married to Louise and they have two children who were both baptized at Good Samaritan nearly four years ago. Fred and Louise have been active members at Good Samaritan since 2008; currently Fred is on the Outreach/Missions committee and Louise is on the vestry.